Everything you need to know about IGTV

Everything you need to know about IGTV

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms globally, and many businesses already use it as a platform to share picture and short-video format content. This has mostly included print style advertising or short announcements. Instagram TV (IGTV) is a feature that allows sharing of long-form video on the social media platform. Specifically, up to 60 mins of video from the web or 15 minutes of video on mobile is supported. This is significant as normal Instagram posts are limited to less than 60 secs of content. Here we discuss everything you need to know about IGTV to get your content out there. Be it for personal use, or branding and creative works.

 Why IGTV- Multiple studies show that consumers engage with online video content more than written and even TV content. This is perhaps unsurprising as we can access the internet so easily from our phones today. IGTV is a platform for your video content that is accessible by millions right from their phones. The great potential of IGTV for businesses lies in the fact that so many people regularly use Instagram that your content will be reliably visible to thousands of potential clients instantly.

Here are a few kinds of videos that you could upload on IGTV for your business:

o Series- Publishing a series of videos on a certain theme can be a great way to start off on this platform as it shows consistency and helps increase exposure and popularity among your audience. For instance, an audiobook making company can have a series of IGTV videos where people can listen to a live reading of the first chapters of certain books to get a taste of the kind of content the company offers.

o Behind the scenes- Take your viewers behind the scenes by showing off bloopers, outtakes and other material that wasn’t on the air. This can create a lot of interest and show that your content is also fun to make. Disney did this with Toy Storyland and called it ‘behind the magic’.

o Tutorials- Since IGTV allows long videos, you can provide in-depth tutorials about your products, answer FAQs and even demonstrate any extra tricks or easter-eggs for your watchers to learn. This format is often used by software developers and culinary companies to help their customers out with their products.

o Interviews- If you have any notable brand ambassadors or clients that can speak about their experience with you or if you simply want to generate attention via celebrity association, arranging interviews and putting them up might be the way to go. This is often done by podcasters and news organisations to generate interest in them.

o Vlogging- streaming or vlogging content to your audience creates a more personal connection to them than normal update videos. Vlogging can also be used as a QnA platform where you answer audience questions on video rather than by text. This format is more successful if the audience recognizes the person doing the vlog.

 How to get started- Firstly, you’ll need an Instagram account. Even though there is a standalone IGTV app, the platform is inseparable from Instagram.

Your video must follow some technical guidelines:


Length: Minimum of 1 minute, maximum of 15 minutes (on mobile) or 60 minutes (on desktop)



File Type: MP4 File format



File Size: Maximum file size is 650MB (for videos under 10 minutes) or 3.6GB (for videos 10-60 minutes)



Dimensions: Video displays at a 9:16 aspect ratio (for vertical videos) or a 16:9 aspect ratio (for horizontal videos)



Resolution: minimum resolution of 720p



Frame Rate: Minimum30 FPS


 Here are some basic things to keep in mind while working on your IGTV videos:

o Remember to optimize your title, thumbnail, and preview before hitting “post”.

o, Keep in mind that your IGTV is closely linked to your Instagram. So avoid reusing too much material from your main feed and assume that your audience will already be familiar with the Instagram platform.

o While you have 60 mins to work with, don’t waste time needlessly. Given that it is a social media platform, attention spans are unreliable and so you should get to the main point quickly to not bore your audience.

o, Try to maintain a consistent aesthetic and style in your videos to promote brand recognition of your work.

o Finally, consider adding good captions because a significant amount of video on social media is viewed as muted. Also, add messages asking for sound if your post relies on audio.

And that’s that. Keep an eye on how your IGTV posts are doing with analytics and tailor your feed to help your brand grow.

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